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Strange left padding in xamarin forms list view in IOS


I am having troubles getting ListView aligned properly in iOS, Androind is fine

There are 2 issues:

First one, on iOS I am getting a left padding/margin on list view inside a stack panel which I don't know where it is coming from

    <ScrollView Grid.Row="1" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
        <Grid lb:GridLayout.RowHeights="Auto,Auto,*" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <Grid Grid.Row="0" lb:GridLayout.ColumnWidths="*,*,*" HeightRequest="80" VerticalOptions="Start">
                <Image Grid.Column="1" Source="login_details_add.png" Aspect="AspectFit" Margin="0,0,0,0" />

            <Grid Grid.Row="1" lb:GridLayout.ColumnWidths="*,7*,*" VerticalOptions="Start">
                <shared:PageTitle Grid.Column="1" Padding="20" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand"
                                        TitleText="Address Details"
                                        DescriptionText="To give you the best possible search suggestions we need to know your address." />

            <StackLayout Grid.Row="2" Padding="20">
                <Grid RowSpacing="2" lb:GridLayout.RowHeights="Auto,10,*">
                    <entries:FloatingLabelTextBox Grid.Row="0" Placeholder="Your street address (unit optional)" Text="{Binding SearchText}" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="SearchText" Keyboard="Text" />

                    <StackLayout Grid.Row="2" IsVisible="{Binding HasResults}">
                        <ListView x:Name="SearchResults" ItemsSource="{Binding Addresses}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedAddress}">
                                <TextCell Text="{Binding StreetAddress}" Detail="{Binding StateSuburbPostcode}" />
                                <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">

                <StackLayout Margin="20">
                    <buttons:ActionButton Grid.Column="1" Text="Enter Manually" Command="{Binding ManualEntry}" />


I tried different things to no avail.

Second, I am getting 10 search results, but list view keeps putting empty rows below which I fixed by putting empty footer in. This fixed empty rows being rendered, but there is still big empty space below listview. How do I remove it? For now I have a code in my view code behind file, that calculates number of search results, multiplies it by row height and sets list view height, but this feels dirty.

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