Hello guys,
I'm facing a problems to run my project in just in IOS system, it is running normally on Android.
I created a generic class called Restful.cs to warrant access for all kind of viewmodel results on my web api, but when my application calls a method that contains a restful object class instance, the application crashes:
{System.TypeLoadException: Could not find method due to a type load error
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.Start[TStateMachine] (TStateMachine& stateMachine) [0x0002c] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/
at MLL_Partner.View.Login.LoginSystem() [0x00013] in :0
at MLL_Partner.View.Login.ButtonAccess_Clicked (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00002] in C:\Visual Studio Projects\MLL\Mobile\MLL_Partner\MLL_Partner\View\Login.xaml.cs:46 }
Follow my method call:
private void ButtonAccess_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
catch (Exception ex)
DisplayAlert("Erro", ex.Message, "Exit");
private async void LoginSystem()
IsBusy = true;
var restLogin = new RestfulClient(ViewModel.Session.BaseAddress, ViewModel.Session.Token);
resp = await restLogin.Login(String.Format("api/security/token"), entryUserName.Text, entryPassword.Text);
Follow my restful class:
public class RestfulClient
private HttpClient _httpClient { get; set; }
public RestfulClient(String pBaseAddress, String pToken)
_httpClient = new HttpClient();
_httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(pBaseAddress);
_httpClient.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30);
_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", pToken);
public async Task Login(string tokenRequestUrl, string username, string password)
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
TokenResponseViewModel actionResult = new TokenResponseViewModel();
var prms = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("grant_type", "password"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("username", username),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("password", password)
response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(tokenRequestUrl, new FormUrlEncodedContent(prms));
var resp = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var dataResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TokenResponseViewModel>(resp);
dataResult.Username = username;
return actionResult;
public async Task<ActionResultViewModel<T>> GetAsync(String requestURI)
ActionResultViewModel<T> actionResult;
var resp = await _httpClient.GetAsync(requestURI);
if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var respStr = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
actionResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ActionResultViewModel<T>>(respStr);
actionResult.LOGIN = false;
return actionResult;
if(resp.ReasonPhrase == "Unauthorized" || resp.ReasonPhrase == "Not Found")
actionResult = new ActionResultViewModel<T> { MESSAGE = "Favor refazer o login!", DATA = Activator.CreateInstance<T>(), OK = false, LOGIN = true };
actionResult = new ActionResultViewModel<T> { MESSAGE = "Erro desconhecido, favor verificar sua conexão com a internet!", DATA = Activator.CreateInstance<T>(), OK = false };
catch (Exception e)
actionResult = new ActionResultViewModel<T> { MESSAGE = "Favor verificar sua conexão com a internet!", DATA = Activator.CreateInstance<T>(), OK = false };
return actionResult;
Someone could help me to fix that problem?
Thank you guys