Hello everyone!
I'm new to Xamarin and I'm making a application but I'm having some problems with SQLite.
I'll explain the problem first, and I'll add my code below. So basically, I'm able to save a user into my SQLite database but after this, I want to take a part of that user and display it in a label. I'll illustrate:
for example, I save a user with fields:
'Voornaam': Duke
'Achternaam': Decker
So now the user is saved, I would like to get the field 'Voornaam' from my table Users where this user is saved. I think I know how to select the name but then I need to convert this object into a string or something. I know it may sound confusing but maybe someone will be able to help me.
Here's some code to give an idea of what I want to do:
My query class:
`public class Ride2EarnDatabase
static object locker = new object();
readonly SQLiteAsyncConnection database;
readonly SQLiteConnection db;
public Ride2EarnDatabase(string dbPath)
database = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(dbPath);
public Ride2EarnDatabase()
{ }
public Task<List<Rit>> GetRitAsync()
return database.Table<Rit>().ToListAsync();
public Task<int> SaveRitAsync(Rit a)
if (a.ID != 0)
return database.UpdateAsync(a);
else { return database.InsertAsync(a); }
public Task<int> SaveGebruikerAsync(Gebruiker a)
if (a.ID != 0)
return database.UpdateAsync(a);
else { return database.InsertAsync(a); }
public Task<List<Gebruiker>> GetGebruikerAsync()
return database.Table<Gebruiker>().ToListAsync();
/*public Task<List<Gebruiker>> GetVoornaam()
return database.QueryAsync<Gebruiker>("SELECT [Voornaam] FROM [Gebruiker]");
/*public IEnumerable<Gebruiker> QueryValuations()
return db.Query<Gebruiker>("select Voornaam from Gebruiker");
My class to convert my object to string (don't even know for sure if this is the way to do it, correct me if I'm wrong):
`public class Business
private Task<List> _Voornaam;
private IEnumerable _Test;
private Ride2EarnDatabase _db;
public Task<List<Gebruiker>> Voornaam
get { return _Voornaam; }
set { _Voornaam = value; }
public IEnumerable<Gebruiker> Test
get { return _Test; }
set { _Test = value; }
public Business()
_db = new Ride2EarnDatabase();
//_Voornaam = _db.GetVoornaam();
//_Test = _db.QueryValuations();
/*public string VoornaamWeergeven()
string a = string.Empty;
foreach (Gebruiker b in Voornaam)
a = b.Voornaam;
return a.ToString();
public string VoornaamWeergeven()
string a = string.Empty;
foreach (Gebruiker b in Test)
a = b.ToString();
return a;
I think these are the most important ones, I can add more code if needed.
I would be so grateful if someone would be able to help me!