I have connected Bluetooth Mobile printer and wanted to design the receipt. I am new to xamarin. Is there a way to design it like crystal reports or other way. Please give me some suggestions. I wanted to create a receipt like this.
I tried like this to break into lines. How can we give spaces
public ICommand PrintCommand => new Command(async () =>
conn = DependencyService.Get<iSQLite>().SQLiteConnectionGetConnection();
PrintMessage = string.Empty;
PrintMessage += "\n" + "Test";
PrintMessage += "\n" + "No.200,Main Road";
PrintMessage += "\n" + "City";
PrintMessage += "\n" + "000-45615544";
await _blueToothService.Print(SelectedDevice, PrintMessage);
But this showing like this.Telephone number is coming first.
No.200,Main Road