We are using Xamarin.Forms and have a fairly standard ListView with some Context Actions in the ViewCell.
<!-- Place new controls here -->
<ListView x:Name="ItemList" SelectionMode="Single">
<MenuItem Text="Action 1" IsDestructive="False"/>
<Label Text="{Binding .}" Margin="12"/>
On iOS these action appear when you swipe the list item, on Android it seems you have to do a Long Press to show the action bar, this is fine but our problem is when you do long press the item isn't highlighted.
This is made even worse if you single click an item, this is then highlighted you then long press a different item and the action bar appears but the first item is still selected (although the action is bound to the item that was long pressed).
Is there a simple solution to this as selecting and performing actions on a list items is a fairly standard pattern and currently on Android it isn't a great user experience.