client server address function best practice
I am creating an app that is not specific to one user or company, so say my app uses a companies api for a Management system & there can be many instances in different companies. So my app would be...
View ArticleFlexLayout Improvements
I was hoping to use the new FlexLayout control to display data in a flowing grid (left to right and then down). The new control seems interesting but is missing some basic features and I was wondering...
View ArticleHow to resolve ArgumentException: Failed to parse PList data type
After updating Visual Studio to 15.6 today on my Windows PC, and updating Visual Studio and XCode on the Mac, I am getting the following when trying to build my app for iOS. Does anybody know how to...
View Articlezoom and pan
is it possible to make zoom and the same time drag the image in xaml and cs
View ArticleXamarin.Firebase.Auth documentation?
Whenever I try and google documentation for this NuGet package, I just get references to the old component documentation. But since components are now deprecated, the link just goes to a generic page...
View ArticleWhat is the best way to do video conferencing in Xamarin Forms?
I'm looking at how to do video conferencing in IOS and Android, Is there any SDK to do this? Or should it be done natively on each plataform? Which is the best route? I searched in the forum, but found...
View ArticleIndex '1' is greater than the number of rows '0'. (XF 240-Pre1 iOS)
Just updated to 240-pre1 and now I cannot add items to an observable collection bound to a ListView with Uneven Rows and Groups. Have only tried iOS so far. ObservableCollection<Group>...
View ArticleHow to create horizontal "listview" can select item
I created a custom scrollview based on the article below, but it is only viewable. I would like to create a "horizontal listview" or something like that, can select items such as a list of persons in...
View ArticleHow To Create Login
Hi, how to create a login page using xaml and cs files and after successful login it will display either on top left corner the words "Hi, [insert the user's Name]" something like that
View ArticlePopulating ScrollView problem!
Hi guys! i have a problem to add anything into the scrollview. if you cant find anything wrong in this code feel free to give me a lead! I get the following error = target of get_children is NULL...
View ArticleOpen my app from a url and read value from that url
Hi, I want to open my app when tapping on a url and read the value appended to the url. For example, I need to get string "123" in my code by opening my app with url "myapp://open?code=123". I add some...
View ArticleIf I paste something in an Entry, it doesn't fire Trigger
Hi guys, I have an Entry with some Triggers. One of them is checking is an email is valid. The problem is that a user pastes an email, the Entry doesn't fire the Triggers. How can I update an Entry in...
View ArticleLoginFlow
I tried to follow the sample of Login created by xamarin how come my App bar(the top blue horizontal bar) is being doubled what I mean doubled is that there is another App bar on top how to make it...
View ArticleXAML Label Text: Binding + DynamicResource (String Format?)
Hello, is there a way to bind the Text Property (in XAML) of a Label to a Binding + DynamicResource? Maybe with string format? for example I tried something like this: <Label Text="{DynamicResource...
View ArticleXamarin Forms licensing
Hi, Is it possible to develop a payment app(using an Open source platform) on Visual Studio Community (Forms)? This is a small team of developers, but i´m not sure if it´s possible to keep it Open...
View ArticleMapClick
What is the best way to handle a simple map click using a custom renderer for android ? I'm trying to simply subscribe to MapClick event, maybe i'm missing something because that does'nt works. Thanks
View ArticleHow to hide the title bar in a MasterDetailPage.Master
Following closely, I've ended up with this on UWP: What I want is this: Is it possible?
View ArticleApp crashing when listview scrolling
Recently I just implemented a listview with a custom cell and a custom selector in Xamarin.Forms, my custom cell have two text binding properties and the selector just pick the correct custom cell...
View Articledropdown list getting hide
I developed a dropdown (ComboBox) Custom Control using three different controls Label (Which will show the Title), and Image (To show dropdown Image) and a List (To display content of drop down) and...
View ArticleImage container
Is it possible to use an image container like div or iframe just like in html?
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