Hi all together,
i have serious Problems with Datepicker.
public class ProjectWorkTimeDetailViewModel
more code..................
public override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
if (parameters.ContainsKey("PWT"))
var projectWorkTime = (ProjectWorkTime)parameters["PWT"];
CurrentWorkTime = new ProjectWorkTimeEdit(projectWorkTime);
CurrentWorkTime.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChange;
private void OnPropertyChange(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!Title.EndsWith("*"))
Title = Title + " *";
_canSave = true;
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="13,0">
<Label Text="Arbeitstag: " VerticalOptions="Center"></Label>
<DatePicker Format="dd MMM yyyy"
Date="{Binding CurrentWorkTime.WorkDay,Mode=TwoWay}"
public class ProjectWorkTimeEdit : BindableBase
ProjectWorkTime _entity;
public ProjectWorkTimeEdit (ProjectWorkTime entity)
if (entity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
_entity = entity;
_workDay = entity.WorkDay;
_job = _entity.Job;
_workTime = _entity.WorkTime;
DateTime _workDay;
public DateTime WorkDay
get => _workDay;
set => SetProperty(ref _workDay,value);
........... more code
As you can see i'm initializing 'ProjectWorkTimeEdit.cs' and set values in the Constructor. After that, i add the 'OnPropertyChanged' EventHandler.
Directly after this Line:
CurrentWorkTime.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChange;
I have a Event fired from
public DateTime WorkDay
set => SetProperty(ref _workDay,value);
here without doing anything
I'm shure that this problem has something todo with the Datepicker because if i commented out the Datepicker all works as expected.
Any idea???
Thanks in advance