No matter what... xamarin keep coming up with new roadblock and new error... Each day it's something new...
anyone with any ideas on what is going on fro the error below?
Please note...a week ago I was some how apply to get this application to run on the IOS simulator as one day I do hope I will play able to put this application on or dev store.. one day... but each new day brings new wacky errors... I have to ask... does xamarin work???
I know some will answer yes... but I just don't understand why when you follow the guides the thing does not work... I mean seriously,... how do you doploy your app if you can't get it to run on the sim... but a few days before... it ran on the sim?? What changed??
This app runs on the Android simulator just fine... Any help would be appreciated.Thanks!
There was an unhandled exception trying to deploy and run your application. \nSystem.Exception:
The OutputPath property is not set for project 'NameOfTheApplication.iOS.csproj'. Please check to make sure that you have specified a valid combination of Configuration and Platform for this project. Configuration='Debug' Platform='iPhone'. This error may also appear if some other project is trying to follow a project-to-project reference to this project, this project has been unloaded or is not included in the solution, and the referencing project does not build using the same or an equivalent Configuration or Platform.
More of this error:
t Xamarin.VisualStudio.MsBuild.MsBuildService.RunTarget(IProjectNode projectNode, String msbuildTarget, IProgressReport progress, IDictionary2 globalProperties, IDictionary
2 properties, Boolean runInProc) in E:\A_work\21\s\src\Core\VisualStudio\MsBuild\MsBuildService.cs:line 248
at Xamarin.VisualStudio.MsBuild.MsBuildService.RunTarget(IProjectNode projectNode, String msbuildTarget, IDictionary2 globalProperties, IDictionary
2 properties, Boolean runInProc) in E:\A_work\21\s\src\Core\VisualStudio\MsBuild\MsBuildService.cs:line 211
at Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.MonoTouchProjectProperties.<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in E:\A_work\21\s\src\Core\VisualStudio.IOS\PropertyProviders\MonoTouchProjectProperties.cs:line 103
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.JoinableTask.CompleteOnCurrentThread()
at Merq.AsyncManager.Run(Func`1 asyncMethod) in E:\A_work\143\s\src\Async\Merq.Async.Core\Merq.Async.Core.Portable\AsyncManager.cs:line 58
at Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.MonoTouchProjectProperties.GetAppBundleDir(IProgressReport progress) in E:\A_work\21\s\src\Core\VisualStudio.IOS\PropertyProviders\MonoTouchProjectProperties.cs:line 99
at Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.MonoTouchFlavoredProject.GetRunSessionInfo(MonoTouchDevice device) in E:\A_work\21\s\src\Core\VisualStudio.IOS\ProjectSystem\MonoTouchFlavoredProject.cs:line 1250
at Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.MonoTouchFlavoredProject.RunApplication(MonoTouchDevice device, IProgressReport progress) in E:\A_work\21\s\src\Core\VisualStudio.IOS\ProjectSystem\MonoTouchFlavoredProject.cs:line 1199
at Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.MonoTouchFlavoredProject.DebugLaunch(__VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS grfLaunch, IProgressReport progress) in E:\A_work\21\s\src\Core\VisualStudio.IOS\ProjectSystem\MonoTouchFlavoredProject.cs:line 1066
at Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.MonoTouchFlavoredProject.DebugLaunch(__VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS grfLaunch) in E:\A_work\21\s\src\Core\VisualStudio.IOS\ProjectSystem\MonoTouchFlavoredProject.cs:line 973