I have a native iOS class which implements the Xamarin.Forms DependencyService, since I want to reuse this class in different projects, so I would like to extract this class from my current Xamarin.iOS app to a separate Xamarin.iOS library.
Here is my current project structure:
BDNC (Xamarin.Forms)
---IHTBluetoothManager (DependencyService Interface)
BDNC.iOS (Xamarin.iOS)
---HTBluetoothManager : IHTBluetoothManager (DependencyService Implementation)
I want to achieve something like:
BDNC (Xamarin.Forms)
---IHTBluetoothManager (DependencyService Interface)
BDNC.iOS (Xamarin.iOS App)
--- App codes
HTBluetoothKit (Xamarin.iOS Library)
---HTBluetoothManager : IHTBluetoothManager (DependencyService Implementation)
Please help.