Application starting behind the top time/battery bar on iOS?
I tried using my Xamarin.Forms app on iOS for the first time today and ran into the minor problem where my App runs behind that top bar on iOS, so the battery icon/time/carrier bar is in front of my...
View ArticleMaster Details Page in Xamarin forms MVVM prism using unity
Hi I am trying to navigate from longin page to my master details page but i am having issues- 1)I am seeing two two navigation bars one with back button and another with hamburger menu. 2)My navigation...
View ArticleHow to put a native iOS class which implements DependencyService to an...
I have a native iOS class which implements the Xamarin.Forms DependencyService, since I want to reuse this class in different projects, so I would like to extract this class from my current Xamarin.iOS...
View Articleshow a pin on center of map and get its location
Hi all I made an app for home cleaner request. when map opens , user see his location on map and every thing is ok. Now I want show a pin on center of map and user can change map position manually and...
View ArticleOn or off the listview switch based on a condition?
I have a listview with a switch, like below screenshot. string userIds = Application.Current.Properties["GroupUserIds"].ToString(); (userIds is a comma separated string) I need to on the switch item if...
View ArticleCode MSB4062
Hi Xamarin Forum, I notice one thing when I update my Xamarin.Forms to in VS 2017 when I start a new project either .Net or shared I immediately got the error MSB4062 The...
View ArticleFloating Action menu in Xamarin.Forms
how to create Floating Action menu in Xamarin.Forms
View ArticleCrash with Xamarin.Auth opening the default AccountStore
Hello, Looks like since I upgraded Xamarin.Auth my application is now crashing at startup with a Java.IO.IOException "KeyStore integrity check failed.". I found that the method signature to fetch an...
View ArticleIs it possible to use Triggers on Grid RowDefinitions?
Hi, Is it Possible to use Triggers on Grid Rowdefintion like WPF example below <RowDefinition> <RowDefinition.Style> <Style> <Setter Property="RowDefinition.Height" Value="2*"/>...
View ArticleCan't access sub ListView in VM
Hi, I'm building an application where users can build a simple folder structure, a folder which can contain sub directories one level deep (like the screenshot below). To achieve this, I'm using a...
View ArticleHow to hide notification using NotificationBuilder(iOS) in Xamarin.forms?
Hi, I use following way to show notification on page in Xamarin.Forms Application. I want hide this notification. Can anybody please suggest how to hide this notification? Is there any method? I show 3...
View ArticleRecording Audio from Microphone as well as speaker
Currently UWP can't open WASAPI output devices in capture mode due to COM restrictions. This means loopback auto capture is not supported. If we create a Xamarin.Form project, can we capture audio from...
View ArticleLayouting on the native counterparts delay
I am basically replicating NavigationPage, but only using Views. Incoming views are added to the Children, but with TranslationX set just outside the right side (Width + 1), then I use...
View ArticleIs 'Windows Mobile' compatible with 'Windows UWP'
I have a confusion with regard to the different terms used. Can you please clear the doubt? Windows Mobile is discontinued. When we create a Xamarin form project, we still get “Windows Mobile”. Does...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms and Air Watch SDK
I am using for Xamairn forms application. I see that ios work after the adding the AWSDK but Android is giving me so many diffrent error after adding the dlls...
View ArticleAnimating Height Of box view
This is my first foray into Animation for my Forms App. I have seen loads of examples for scaling box views, but thee all seem to scale both heigh and width. I want to scale just the height with...
View ArticleStatus Bar height on iPhone X in XAML
Hi, Until now, the way to manage the status bar of IOS in XAML was to define: <ContentPage.Padding> </ContentPage.Padding> BUT... on iPhone X, the value "20" is not correct anymore (the...
View ArticleStyling on iOS broke with IDE update
I use VS on Windows and VS for MAC on the MAC for writing my Xamarin forms project. Everything was working fine until the VS for MAC IDE told me there was a bunch of updates which I installed and they...
View ArticleMap in a ListView header - Drag / scroll event propagation issue on Android
Hi everybody, I'm trying to use a Map (Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map) into a ListView Header. The problem on Android: both of the Map and the ListView handle any drag event onto the Map. If I want to drag...
View Articleflexlayout Binding
Hi I am testing the new Flexlayout to create a new view with multiple Buttons from a ObservableCollection in code .. ** foreach (var item in Transitems) { Button _button = new Button { Image =...
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