Hello there, I have an application that I am building with both Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android heads. I have some more screens to add that really could be shared, so I decided to see about using this nifty Xamarin Forms embedding capability. I have installed Xamarin forms in my Android and iOS projects as well as a PCL. In the PCL, I created a new ContentPage that is just a ScrollView with a single Label in it that I want to use to test things out.
In my Xamarin Android project's Main Activity, I initialize Xamarin.Forms successfully in OnCreate. Then I successfully create my ContentPage. When I go to generate a Fragment to swap into my Activity, I get the error: "element is not of type Xamarin.forms.view".
At first, I guessed it had to do with something in my ContentPage XAML or maybe in the layout of the Android activity, but I have tried everything I can think of to switch layouts/views contained in each to get it to work. Has anyone had this type of issue when using Xamarin Forms embedding? It's getting to the point where I think that it isn't worth the hassle to avoid making multiple native versions of these screens.