It's the first time I register for a forum, because I couldn't find a solution somewhere in the internet.
I have an arduino and connected a bluetooth module. The module is a HM10 (i also have the HC08). This bluetooth module is for a bluetooth low energy (ble) connection.
Now I want to build an app for android and iOS which is able to communicate with the arduino over ble.
If I download the app "BLE Scanner" from the Play Store (guess it's written in java) I can connect to the arduino. So I have proof that my arduino setup works.
This is my concept:
1. Finding a working BLE Demo App
2. Looking in the source code and implement it in my own app.
Im searching in the internet for more than 3 months and couldn't find one single working BLE Demo app!!! Why? How in the world is this possible?
There are also many different Plugins for BLE, but none of them works. Can't someone delete this? It's just time wasting!
I tried ALL available Demo Apps in the internet for more than 3 months. Here are some links:
very disappointed --> h-ttps://
There were more I'm pretty sure I don't need someone who's answer is just copying another link to a BLE demo app, because I tried them ALL!
Is there anybody who recently build a working Xamarin Forms BLE App? Or is this not possible anymore in Xamarin? I would be so so so thankful if there is someone who can send me his own source code to a real working BLE App.
Thanks in advance!
I'm new here so I couldn't post links, thats why I wrote h-ttps.