How to scuffle position of two Tabbar Shell Items programetically in run time...
How to scuffle position of two Tabbar Shell Items programetically in run time using code behind c# .
View ArticleHow to change text of a button in the main App from App.Android realtime?
Hi! I'm receiving realtime data from platform-specific code (Firebase Realtime Database) with EventListener, but my UI is in the main App. I can't figure out how to change button text in the main App...
View ArticleHow do I move data files from one app to another
I have two apps where my "old" app are going to phase out and soon it will close down. My problem is that I have some historic data files placed where the app is installed and these data I need to move...
View ArticleForms + Shell + MVVM?
We've been developing our app for a 5years now using xamrin forms and MVVM (using FreshMVVM). We are thinking of moving to shell for new apps moving forward. From...
View ArticleXamarin.forms PushNotificationPlugin, how to open a page passing data of the...
So on my app.xaml.cs I have CrossPushNotification.Current.OnNotificationReceived += (s, p) => { //something like Navigation.PushAsync(new Page(Data from the notification)); } How can I open 'Page'...
View ArticleOpen Specific Page when click on Push Notification
Hi, I am trying implement basic push notification example using Xamarin Forms with Prism MVVM, Azure & FCM. I am receiving notification, but couldn't navigate to specific page when clicked on...
View ArticleTried ALL Xamarin BLE Demo Apps - None of them are working
It's the first time I register for a forum, because I couldn't find a solution somewhere in the internet. I have an arduino and connected a bluetooth module. The module is a HM10 (i also have the...
View ArticleHow do l ressolve System.Net.WebException Error .The Internet connection...
The project l am building has some images on a file storage site and its consuming api's and it connected to the internet via my phone.After a lot of research l found out it has a bit to do with my...
View ArticleButton click to navigate to existing page in SQLite database
I have an SQLite database in my app and want to navigate to a specific page by clicking the button (retrieving it from the database). I have GetPageAsync method in my database: public...
View ArticleIs it possible to detect a long tap on a CollectionView item?
I started using the new CollectionView, but I can't figure out how to detect a long tap (and execute a command) on an item in the CollectionView. So far I've been using the Syncfusion SfListView which...
View ArticleIs it possible to use EventListener from Android through Interface in main App?
I tried to make it work modifying the official example (from the path: /en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/app-fundamentals/dependency-service/introduction), but seems like interface...
View ArticleHow can I get a list when I click on the button to navigate another page?
I am making a clone of Facebook (social network) that a publication has its list of comments according to the id of the publication, I click on the button and get a list of comments on the publication.
View ArticlePicker Title problem
Hey, XF novice here. How can I change Picker's Title property outside the window or above the default line (according to the Item selected) but not so that it modifies the title within the popup window...
View ArticleRg.Plugins.Popup - Move animation not working
Hello, I want to create a simple popup sliding from the bottom of the screen using Rg.Plugins.Popup. Here is my code for the popup page: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>...
View ArticleReturn value from PushModalAsync
I have a few pages that I'd like to call like functions. As in, I'd like to show the page modally, then do something with a result. Because awaiting PushModalAsync doesn't actually block until popped,...
View ArticlePDF is not opened in iOS 13
I am using the following code to open the PDF file in Xamarin.Forms iOS platform. The below code is working fine before updating the Xcode version 11.2, after the update, the PDF document is not...
View ArticleGetting error "Could not load the framework 'libsswiftCore.dylib'" not found.
I just updated Xcode to 11.2.1 and Xamarin forms to 4.3 latest. When I try to debug I get this error. error HE0003: Could not load the framework 'libswiftCore.dylib' (path:...
View ArticleMoved: total value i want to in point plz help me i have tired
This discussion has been moved.
View ArticleSlow graphic performance in a ContentPage when navigated through 3-4 views
I'm developing an application which has 6-7 pages. I noticed that when it has already been navigated between 2-3 pages, the performance is kinda awful on old devices. Let's say I have this Navigation:...
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