How to download multiple files in the background for a Xamarin Forms iOS...
Hi. Our app needs to download (or upload) say, between 1 and 50 images at a time. We create a list of all the images that have not been downloaded yet and then download them. We would like this to be...
View ArticlePlugin.BLE IOS and Android with MLT-BT05 module
I have an issue using Plugin.BLE with iOS and Android connected to an MLT-BT05 module. My app basically changes colours on an led strip through this module using a slider on the device. When using the...
View ArticleEmpty Fields in Listview
Hi Experts, In my view cell I have several fields that are populated via binding. Some of the fields end up being empty so I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas as to how i can move the fields that do...
View ArticleRead a text file from external storage - Xamarin Forms
I've been trying to read the .txt file from external storage, but I didn't get any solid solution for this. Can anybody share me a good solution from which I can refer and read a file from external...
View ArticleXamarin project with microservices
I want to develop android applications ios windows with microservices connected to a SQL server database, who can help me, with material, documentation, examples and where possible a base project. I...
View ArticleAugmenting Map with user inteface
I'm new to Xamarin Forms and I'm trying to implement a page that contains a Map control with a user interface (buttons and clickable images) overlaid on top. I'm able to do this by putting the Map...
View ArticleTrouble with Linker in Xamarin.Forms iOS app
Hello, I'm building a Xamarin.Forms app and have successfully released to Google Play for Android. I'm having trouble with iOS however. The root of the problem is that I have to build with the Linker...
View ArticleCannot develop Firebase on Xamarin.Forms 3
The version of Xamarin.Android.Support.Design (27.0.2) is not compatible with Xamarin.Forms Constraint: Xamarin.Android.Support.Design (= 23.3.0) We have a year to replace GCM with...
View ArticleHow to get a post approved here?
I've made several posts with a question that has me stumped over the last few days. Each time it says it will show when a moderator approves. A moderator has never approved and my post has never...
View ArticleHow to manage(represent/control) emoji in Xamarin.Form?
Hi, I want to handle emoji for 3 points. 1- Represent Emoji: I have functionality where user enter in Entry(textbox) and I show it in Label. Currently I use Label control to display text. I want to...
View Articlehow to customize zxing scanner page as same as like this screen?
how to customize zxing scanner page as same as like this screen?
View ArticleHow to show listview inside carouselview in xamarin forms
How to show listview inside carouselview in xamarin forms
View ArticleNavigationPage. Pushing/Popping without animation
Is it possible to push/pop pages without animation?
View ArticleHow to add an item to the list?
Hello. I need to add a custom item to a list by the click of a button in xamarin forms. How is it possible to do it? By the way, what is the difference between the list and observable collection? I...
View ArticleForms 3.0 and Live Player
I can deploy app via USB, but cannot use Live Player for the new Forms 3.0. I receive this error when trying thru Live Player... Type FlexLayout not found in http: // /schemas /2014 /forms....
View ArticleHttpClient using Xamarin Forms
I'm working on a Xamarin forms application and not sure if this is an error triggered by C#/HttpClient or by Xamarin Forms. In my Xamarin Forms application, I have a RequestService class that contains...
View ArticleHow can I change the font/text style of UIBarButtonItem
I am trying to change the font of a secondary ToolBarItem in iOS on Xamarin Forms. I have managed to change the font throughout the app on every element except this one. I have tried overriding the...
View ArticleListView GroupHeaderTemplate fixed height on iOS
Hey there guys, I'm trying to set a variable height list view on iOS. Our code (on the attached sample project and main part below) works fine on Droid, but fails miserably on iOS. I have tried iOS 9.3...
View Articlehelp, I need to draw regtangles in an image
Greetings friends. I am working on a project where I have the need to draw rectangles in an image to identify objects detected in that image, I have an example that does this but in window.forms and...
View ArticleMissing DLL
Hi Xamarin Community Can I get a help here when I try to Build /Rebuild my Solution I did get missing dll for my project I am currently working whats with it seriously I dont know if something wrong...
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