Frame with rounded corners
Hi, Please suggest any method to implement rounded corner frame without using custom renderers. Thanks & Regards, Kavya
View ArticleSystem.Exception: Cannot destroy MyApp.Views.MyNavigationPage when resetting...
Using Prism 7.0, I'm trying to navigate from ContentPage to a MasterDetailPage. I want to delete the current ContentPage from the navigation stack and go to the MasterDetailPage (Like a login function)...
View ArticleAn alternative.
For developers who love Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android but struggled enough with Xamarin.Forms... I just open-sourced 4 years of extensive work resulted in a creation of Fusion framework which is now...
View ArticleEmbedding Xamarin.Forms elements into custom view renderer
Hi, all. I want to create custom renderer with native layout and import multiple Xamarin.Forms pages. Basically I want to use something like CreateFragment from here link but in custom renderer. Is it...
View ArticleTrying to list background applications - System.UnauthorizedAccessException
Hi, I would like get list of background apps running on UWP platform. So i have - sharedProject and UWP project. In SharedProject I created a DependencyService which is calling method in UWP project to...
View ArticleHow to use a PageRenderer in Xamarin.WPF
There is no section for Xamarin.WPF yet apparently but I need to know how to use a PageRenderer in Xamarin.WPF. I have a ContentPage in my Xamarin.Forms PCL and I am using a PageRenderer in my...
View ArticleAllow the Editor control to grow as content lines are added
I have been modifying the Todo app that uses Forms and replaced the note Entry class with the Editor class, so the todo can hold multiline notes. However the editor does not expand as new lines are...
View ArticleHow to download multiple files in the background for a Xamarin Forms iOS...
Hi. Our app needs to download (or upload) say, between 1 and 50 images at a time. We create a list of all the images that have not been downloaded yet and then download them. We would like this to be...
View ArticleXamarin Forms is broken on Visual Studio 15 for Xamarin 3.0+
Have a project uses Xamarin.Forms 2.3+ with Xamarin Android Support Nuget 2.3+, and tries to update to Xamarin.Forms 3.0, the Visual Studio 15 complain about MSBuild, then I tried to update to...
View ArticleXamarin project not running, netstandard2.0 error
Im learning Xamarin, when I try to create a project and build it, it gives me this error: The "Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.GetTasksAbi" task could not be loaded from the assembly ,...
View ArticleHow Find Control in ControlTemplate
hi, there is' some way to be able to find an item in ControlTemplate? Br Max
View ArticleThe call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties...
Hello, I have started a new Xamarin.Forms project and after upgraded Xamarin.Forms package (, I got this warning on InitializeComponent method call in App.xaml.cs (The call is ambiguous...
View ArticleCannot run my first app in my android phone
Hi Xamarin Community How come my app doesn't launch / run in my android phone? it will install on the phone with no problem then when it is done installing I choose Open but it will just throw me back...
View ArticleXamarin Forms iOS error: CS0103 The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist...
Hello, I'm using Xamarin Forms for develop Android and iOS app. My app it's working in Android, but when i compile the iOS version (project) the error "CS0103 The name 'InitializeComponent' does not...
View ArticleHttpClient using Xamarin Forms
I'm working on a Xamarin forms application and not sure if this is an error triggered by C#/HttpClient or by Xamarin Forms. In my Xamarin Forms application, I have a RequestService class that contains...
View ArticleHow to bind a Layout's background color in ControlTemplate
The StackLayout in my ControlTemplage: <StackLayout Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Style="{StaticResource NavigationBarLayoutStyle}" BackgroundColor="TemplateBinding Parent.HomeBackgroundColor">...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Prayer Times - How To?
Hi, I am developing a prayer time app which will send push notifications on prayer times. Prayer times for Muslims is 5 times a day and it depends on the local time So I am checking the current...
View ArticleDisabled button style
I'm using MVVM approach described here. To control a button behaviour I use ICommand binding with CanExecute flag. Everything works. But how can I control disabled button style (background color and...
View ArticleSwitch with IsToggled binding is throwing Toggled event on init when bound...
I have the following XAML: <Switch IsToggled="{Binding IsChecked}" IsEnabled="true" Toggled="MyToggledEventHandler" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand" /> This...
View Articlexamarin forms dynamic image tapgesture recognizer control
hi, How can I provide control (change) of my dynamic images created in xamarin forms by clicking . sample ; Image ggImage = new Image(); ggImage.Source = otoTip.imagex; ggImage.AutomationId = "seat_"...
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