Make a stacklayout tappable with prism...on masterdetail page..
Is their a way in prism to make the stacklayout 'clickable/tappable' as a menu item? <MasterDetailPage.Master> <ContentPage Title="Panel"> <StackLayout VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"...
View ArticleDataBinding Error No Property, Bindable Property or Event Found
Hey Guys, i want to make a Bindable Property but i get this Error: No Property, Bindable Property or Event Found in Xaml: Checked="{Binding NoticeUserData}" in my class: public static BindableProperty...
View ArticleEffects in Xamarin.Forms 3
Hi, I'm trying to apply an effect on a Button using the Effects API. On the platform code(Android) I always get a null Control. I read about a cast problem on TContainer and TControl, but I can't...
View ArticleHow tu use the new Device.RuntimePlatform
Hello, could someone help me to understand how to use the new Device.RuntimePlatform with this kind of call : statusLayout = new StackLayout { Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(10,0,0), 0, 0,...
View ArticleHow to put fastcell into blank project
i have a noob question, how can i put fastcell into my project, i watch the project on gitbut but i dont know how to put it in my project (blank project), i'm New and it's quite complicated for me, can...
View ArticleHow to manage(represent/control) emoji in Xamarin.Form?
Hi, I want to handle emoji for 3 points. 1- Represent Emoji: I have functionality where user enter in Entry(textbox) and I show it in Label. Currently I use Label control to display text. I want to...
View ArticleStackLayout width larger that display width
Hi all! I need to have a StackLayout or Grid with a width larger that device width. <StackLayout x:Name="slParent" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand"...
View ArticleHow would i go about making a 360 degree knob that you are able to turn?
Hi! I'm trying to create a knob that you can spin around in circles and in return get its current position. This Project seemed great and...
View ArticleXamarin forms Custom toolbar
Hi, I want to create custom toolbar like this in xamarin forms how to create?
View ArticleHow to design the week view calender in xamarin forms?
I am confusing, which page i need to use for that carousel page or any other page in xamarin froms
View ArticleRemoving the need for a ViewCell in a ListView ItemTemplate
Hi, Question I am wondering when or if it will be possible to use a "View" instead of a "ViewCell" inside a ListView? As far as I can find, in 3.0 there is still a need for a ViewCell. (Jason Smith...
View ArticleInvalid value for property fontsize
I am setting fontsize in XAML like this : FontSize="15" Now changing the value works, font size changes. So why I am getting a warning saying 'Invalid value for property fontsize'
View ArticleConvert Image to ByteArray
I have this image in xaml: <Image x:Name="imageEntry" HeightRequest="240" /> the image will be added after browsing an image from phone gallery. So, when i'll be saving data after clicking save...
View ArticleXamarin Forms iOS - Detect events from hardware keyboard at ContentPage...
I'd like to be able to accept 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 from hardware a hardware keyboard on my ContentPage, then react to that event in code. I searched here and stack overflow and was unable to come up...
View ArticleSet column span by using Grid.Children.Add from source code
I have the following source code for setting up a Xamarin.Forms.Grid control on my page. I will like the first 3 rows to expand both columns. The code sample in the online documentation does not really...
View ArticleAccessing content property from second View via ViewModel efficently
My ultimate goal, is to have a fixed header on a ContentPage, and then bind the content property to my other views (ContentView) . I so far have a ViewModel, which i have bound a property called...
View ArticleCan I disable ViewCell.ContextActions based on a condition
Hi I using a Xamarin Forms ListView and I want to know if I can disable the Context Actions based on a certain binding or in the code behind I am using one GroupedListView for the whole application but...
View ArticleHow to open specific page after clicking on notification when the app is closed?
I'm actually working on a Xamarin Forms application that need push notifications. I use the Plugin.PushNotification plugin. When the app is running in the foreground or is sleeping (OnSleep), I have no...
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