Qr code Scanned data should be captured in Other screen
Hi, I am working on QR code scanning using Zxing Steps: 1. I have a screen in which when i click on the button, scanner will get opened. 2. Scanner will scan the data from QR code 3.That data should be...
View ArticleSystem.TypeLoadException - Clean, remove bin and obj folders and build not...
I already asked a question about this issue on here. But the solution I got there is not working now. The solution was clean, remove bin and obj folders and rebuild. Exception details: Exception...
View ArticleLoop through SQLite
Hi I'm new to sqlite I found this exampledocs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/get-started/tutorials/local-database/ And I want to make a little change to access to database programmatically Instead of...
View ArticleHow to add events in `XamForms.Controls.Calendar`?
I am using XamForms.Controls.Calendar for showing calendar in my application, I have added this package in all platforms. Added following codes in xaml: <StackLayout> <controls:Calendar...
View ArticleOpen picker on Listview itemtapped event in xamarin forms
I want to Open picker list (picker.focus()) whenever I click on Frame. I am using Xamarin forms with Prism Framework. I have tried with below code but getting item object , not picker object....
View ArticleIndefinitely running background service X.F Android
Hey guys! I would like to create an Android background service that will start when my application starts and stays running indefinitely! I have tried serveral ways to achieve this with no luck...
View ArticleOverriding device locale for time and datepickers
Our app is available in 4 languages. Our app will use the device's language, unless it's not one of the 4 options, where we resort to using English. Our users can also override the device setting by...
View ArticleToaster plugin for xamarin forms?
Is there any plugin available for toaster message in xamarin forms?
View ArticleHow can i display the alert on Master detail page when i navigate to Master...
I'm using a master-detail page and tabbed page on one screen. I need to display an alert when I navigate to the master-detail page. That an alert should display the complete page of the master-detail...
View ArticleHow to generate PDF file from view in xamarin forms?
Hi All, i am working on xamarin forms using prism framework. i have a requirement that, i need to create the pdf file from the view(Layout,like stacklayout,grid etc) in xamarin forms. is there any...
View ArticleHow to Create PDF In Xamarin.Forms?
How to Create PDF In Xamarin.Forms? And How to save pdf in folder for android.ios,windows?
View ArticleXamarin Forms - Creating PDF options (free)
I was wondering what the best approach would be to creating a PDF in my Xamarin project without having to pay for any plugins, if it is at all possible. I've seen paid for plugins such as apitron,...
View ArticleBinding in a Custom ViewCell
I have a custom ViewCell which I want to use in a TableView: public partial class InputCell : ViewCell { public static readonly BindableProperty LabelProperty = BindableProperty.Create("Label",...
View ArticlePrevent duplicate my user name Sql server database
I am using Userid using asp.net Api to connect Sql server database. But when i insert my username, duplicated username input to database column . Should i prevent my Xamarin. Form or asp.net api ?...
View ArticleHow to convert WebView to Image?
How to convert WebView to Image and then save the image as a file(png,jpeg).
View ArticleHow to convert webview source (html string) to image format
I am able to display html string as webview source but I want to download the webview as an image in xamarin forms. Please help
View ArticlePrint from Xamarin.forms Webview
Hello, Please help me. I am creating a Xamarin.forms WebView app for Android and iOS, UWP. I need printing functionality in this app. I can call C# functions from my webview. Basically i do this by...
View ArticleXamarin Forms WebView + document.print()
Hi all, we are loading an external web application that at the end of its process launch a printable view. They use javascript to execute document.print(). This web app as stand alone works good, but...
View ArticleXamarin Forms "Value cannot be null parameter:stream" on StreamReader
I've been trying to utilize a file that I have on my PC in Xamarin.Forms and after some error fixing and researching I learnt that you cannot reference it locally but have to embed it into Xamarin as a...
View ArticlePrinting From WebView Xamarin Forms
Hello guys, I want to print a web view with the default printer functionalities on UWP
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