Printing a form
I've been trying for hours to send a form to a printing service for both Android and iOS, something I have absolutely no experience with. I've seen...
View ArticlePrinting on iPad from WebView
Hello guys, I want to print a webview with the default printer functionalities which are available on both Android and iOS. I have a DependencyService with a Print method, which calls the platform...
View ArticleCarouselView is throwing dividebyzeroezception when i run the android version.
Hi, am developing a xamarin.Forms application and am using carousel view. it is working fine in iOS version but when i run the android version it is throwing dividebyzero exception. When i comment the...
View ArticleWorking OSD joystick on Xamarin forms for Android and iOS
I am trying to create a app that controlls something with a onscreen joystick. I tried getting the two values by using two sliders, but it didn't work. There is a library for xamarin, but it is...
View ArticlePull down refresh indicator not stopping after complete loading
Here is my sample xaml <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding EmployeeList}" HasUnevenRows="True" IsPullToRefreshEnabled="True" RefreshCommand="{Binding RefreshCommand}" IsRefreshing="{Binding IsBusy}">...
View Articleimplement chronometer on local notification on Android [Xamarin.Forms]
I want to implement a chronometer in my xamarin.forms app, in an specific way on android, how can I create a notification that has a chronometer in it? as the following image shows:
View ArticleHow to display custom layout multiple times in Xamarin Forms
I have a Custom Rating bar layout in Xamarin, I want to display it multiple times in my form but it is displaying only once even though i have declared it multiple times but is showing only one time...
View ArticleTextToSpeech.SpeakAsync from Xamarin.Essentials doesn't produce any sound
Hi, I try the TextToSpeech.SpeakAsync feature, but it I gets no sound and no error is shown. In addition, the row after the await is never reached. private async void Button1_OnClicked(object sender,...
View ArticleSet Background Image For Tabbed Page
Hi, I want to set background Image for tabbed page in above it , look like this :
View ArticleUsing AudioTrack to play consistent stream of PCm data
I have an application that gets consistent stream of PCm data, in a while loop. The loop works untill the stream has data. I then read the incomming stream into a byte[] and then write it to...
View ArticleHow to Xamarin.Forms Dependency Injection with dynamic constructor parameter?
Happy new year to everyone! My question concerns how to use DI in a Xamarin.Forms View to resolve a ViewModel where the ViewModel needs a dynamic (different every time) constructor parameter which...
View ArticleTiled Background?
For a tiled background in Xamarin for an iOS project I can do: public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.View.BackgroundColor =...
View Articlequick question xamarin from shell Navigation
i have tow shell one for login and other for the rest of the app how i can navigte after login to the main shell i tried await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(new AppShell())); but it went...
View ArticleBinding Command for Button inside a ListView and Toggled Action from Switch...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to add a command to a button inside a listview in a MVVM architecture, but i'm not being so succeed. Also i'm trying to attach an action to when the switch is toggled, but i...
View ArticleAllow the Editor control to grow as content lines are added
I have been modifying the Todo app that uses Forms and replaced the note Entry class with the Editor class, so the todo can hold multiline notes. However the editor does not expand as new lines are...
View ArticleScrollView NullReference
hi Why do I get this error The project is okay if we don't use it
View ArticleHow to create a camera app in xamarin app
Suggest best ways to create a camera app, and best plugins available for using cama in xamarin forms cross platform app
View ArticleHow to bind an image to a ListView template?
Hello, I'm trying to load icons to the menu page and want to use a template which will be bound to a collection of View Models. I have the text part working, but for some reason the icon doesn't. I'm...
View ArticleHow navigate to a Content Page from Rg popup on clicking a button
I have created a popup using rg.plugins.popup. In my popup i have a button so when i click that button want to display a report(ie, form is contentpage) so its showing error when im using...
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