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View ArticleTaking a picture using Xam.Plugin.Media
Anyone with helpful hints on using the plugin in? When I call TakePhotoAsync I get a black screen and the app (as best as I can tell) hangs. I have to kill it at that point. My current iteration of...
View ArticleDataGridView did not show datatable data
i want to show data to datagridview from datatable. But it is not working. Error occured. Error is very general. have not any detailed information. my code is: XAML:...
View ArticleToaster plugin for xamarin forms?
Is there any plugin available for toaster message in xamarin forms?
View ArticleHandle Previous Page when press back in Current Page
Hello guys, i'm using Xamarin Forms to develope my app on both iOS and Android I have 2 page: 1. A Custom Renderer Page for each platform, it include a listview to show list of item in SQLite database...
View ArticleAdd ActivityIndicator in toolbar
Is it possible Add ActivityIndicator on the ContentPage.ToolbarItems
View ArticleHow to Use Firebase Push notifications in xamarin forms?
How to Use Firebase Push notifications in xamarin forms?
View ArticleBug with databinding a ListView from XAML (leads to big perf problem)
There appears to be a bug in the ordering that BindingContext is set on items generated within a ListView that is causing some invalid debug output. I'm getting debug spew that a binding is failing...
View ArticleHow can I hide or bloCk the master detail page when I'm in one of the pages...
I mean, I got a master Detail which contains Sells, Stock, Buys, Etc.. and when you select "Stock" you go to the stock page, but the menu still appears if you slide the screen from left to right, I...
View ArticleXamarin Forms: How to implement Drag and Drop Flowlistview Label in Xamarin...
I am trying to implement a fill in the blanks game on my project. I am using flowlistviews for showing items on UI. I have 2 flowlistviews aligned vertically on my project. The top flowlistview shows...
View ArticleEntry field - GeosansLight underscores not displaying correctly using xCode 11.3
Xamarin Forms v3.4.1008975 - reluctant to update as we are close to release This morning my Mac automatically updated xCode when trying to build from Visual Studio on Windows. Since then, any...
View ArticleHow do I fix the size of an image?
I'm trying to set the height and width of my image and have it a fixed size however if I shrink the container (frame, stackpanel, grid, etc...) the image shrinks along with it. I would have assumed...
View ArticleCollectionView in xamarin forms causing problems
I'm using collectionview containing only buttens and when i scroll, it is throwing two types of exceptions randomly as given below: Note: In mostly cases it is working fine, but in 30% cases when i run...
View ArticleDetecting installed packages
Copying application to device... 10% ... 1856kb of 18531kb copied 20% ... 3712kb of 18531kb copied 30% ... 5568kb of 18531kb copied 40% ... 7424kb of 18531kb copied 50% ... 9280kb of 18531kb copied 60%...
View ArticleSystem.ObjectDisposedException Can't access disposed...
Hi Xamarian, Hope you all are doing good. Please help me out . I'm facing one issue with grouped Listview . i.e. System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name:...
View ArticleBinding in a Custom ViewCell
I have a custom ViewCell which I want to use in a TableView: public partial class InputCell : ViewCell { public static readonly BindableProperty LabelProperty = BindableProperty.Create("Label",...
View ArticleSystem.ObjectDisposedException Can't access disposed...
Hi Xamarian, Hope you all are doing good. Please help me out . I'm facing one issue with grouped Listview . i.e. System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name:...
View ArticleFastRenderers.ImageRenderer Bug - ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a...
I am hurting my brain since last one week on an issue. I am using CrossMedia plugin to capture photo's. The flow of the application is something like this: 1. Main page with 4 tab pages. (PAGE 1) 2. On...
View ArticleGitHub issue related to measuring a label
@LandLu or @Jarvan, or anyone else on the Xamarin side, can you chase the following GitHub issue? Unfortunately it is a major blocker for us, it makes our UI look pretty...
View ArticleCustom Control and Data Binding
Hi, when I set value of data binding in field custom, i get this error "No property, bindable property, or event found for 'ActivedEffect', or mismatching type between value and property." My custom...
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